Light room

Since ancient times, man has treated the shadow as something mystical and mysterious. It excited the mind and scared it at the same time. In Russia, they believed that the shadow was the alter ego of a person that contained the repressed aspects of the personality which, due to self-rejection or under duress, got suppressed and rejected. This "dark side" of personality is often the source of inexhaustible potential and hidden power.

The Signal Festival is a place of freedom and destruction of conventions and restrictions. The Light Room installation allows you to look directly at one’s inner fears instead of escaping. The shadow knows the real ‘us’ and feels the same as we do, and stays close. Meeting one’s own shadow face to face allows one to get rid of the oppression of the surrounding world and find inner freedom. This thin borderline gives a feeling of acute perception and peace at the same time, forcing the consciousness to reveal true qualities and feel pure emotions, without looking back at other people. Surrounded by people, everyone tries to behave, look more significant, be like others, but here you get a chance to be yourself and to be alone with the inner ‘you’.

This realm of shadows stands there empty, hidden by fog and shady trees until the first visitor crosses the threshold. Passing through the labyrinth, one undergoes metaphoric cleansing from everything external and remains alone with one’s thoughts, the most honest interlocutor. People re-learn to experience the simplest emotions without someone else's reaction or condemnation, thereby re-discovering themselves and the forgotten sides of their personality. Fear, loneliness or joy – become real and felt. The purity of thoughts and space is like a ritual of fire and light purification, and people intuitively cling to it like fireflies in the night. An authentic, isolated space is a symbol of a life journey. To overcome it is to overcome, to improve oneself. Leave your emotions aside and emerge liberated.

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