Surf Coffee Veranda


Warm California coast, endless space, powerful ocean and a company of friends – such are associations that arise when one mentions ‘surfing’.

Surf Coffee has been able to bring this vibrant atmosphere of romance, freedom and creativity into their interiors, serving and drinks.

Their values ​​are close to ours as is the life of our city, so we decided to offer our concept of a street shed for SURFCOFFEExFREEDOM summer spot.

The key objective of this project was to create a visually expressive object that could become a point of attraction, with its image and silhouette expressed the message of the coffee shop.

The very location of the venue on Freedom street suggested the idea of an unrestrained spirit, knowing no boundaries but light and airy at the same time. The image of a "perfect wave" has inspired the lines of this canopy.

A cascade of five rhythmical waves, inclined in diagonally opposite directions, drains the stormwater in two directions and prevents its accumulation in the internal space. The mirrored arrangement of the "ridges" allows the silhouette to change depending on the viewpoint. The wind accentuates the fluency, and the canopy seems as if moving. The light-transmitting material allows achieving an interesting visual effect when illuminated at night.

Live the present moment, here and now. Under this wave, you will never be alone again, no matter what you are looking for – inner peace or new impressions. This is the place you belong.
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