
Everyone has their own secluded place where they feel safe. Many people used to build houses when they were kids using cushions, chairs, bedspreads and other improvised materials that served as an impenetrable fortress from the outside world –instinctive protection. It is the same when we grow up, except that we use more complex tools.

The word "shelter" usually gives provokes the following associations: a strong frame, thick walls, a steel door with an impregnable lock. However, we wanted to debunk the established stereotypes and express the message in the opposite form – a vortex, unbridled force of nature.

Our shelter from the storms of life is always near – it is in ourselves, our inner world is full of great potential, one just needs to give it strength and shape to serve as a home base when things get stormy in life.

So we created a vortex – a place where one can shape their personal shelter, be it a person, memories of the past or present, new friends and emotions. Each component of the vortex creates an additional layer of protection. As they overlay each other, the place creates a peaceful atmosphere inside and protection from the outside world, symbolizing the qualities that make this place safe for everyone.

The openness of the structure prevents the feeling of isolation, which is inevitable associated with the shelter. Isolation means seclusion and reclusion from the world, but here the space is open and welcoming.

Расскажем всё о круглогодичных и сезонных модулях, подскажем по вопросам утепления и оснащения, составим предложение именно для вашего проекта.